Class conflicts and hypocrisy: that’s wind-energy siting in New York and New England, says Robert Bryce on RealClearEnergy. Renewable energy surpasses coal. North America set 233 low-temperature records in May. From Electro-Verse.
Tag: Energy
Electric Vehicles Get a Boost in Columbus, Ohio
Here’s what it cost: $40 million from a U. S. Department of Transportation grant $10 million from a grant from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Here’s what it did: Raised the number of electric vehicles in Columbus to 1.8 percent from 0.4 percent That’s 3,323 automobiles
The Problem with Batteries (Big Batteries)
By H. Sterling Burnett These days we may be distracted by the COVID-19 virus, but climate issues move on. Recently, Wired magazine published an article about big batteries, or more precisely linked battery packs located in enormous battery farms. They will be needed if we want to generate energy from sources that emit no carbon…
Links: Gambling on the Wrong Threat, What a Free Market Would Do. . .
‘We gambled on the wrong threat—climate change.’ How a free health care market would have responded to the coronavirus. Stimulus bill a downer for renewable energy companies.
The Wealthy Spend a Lot on Energy (While Attacking It)
By John C. Goodman Wealthy liberals who are concerned about economic inequality and climate change have a new reason to feel guilty. Not only are they enjoying the fruits of wealth inequality, but they are using their wealth in ways that generate far greater inequality in the use of energy. In a first-of-its-kind study, University…
Thursday’s Links
The resilience of pandas. Subsidizing renewables: A world-class scam? Fact-checking the New York Times on climate change.