Julian Simon was disparaged during his lifetime because he challenged and debunked fears of overpopulation and depletion of natural resources. In later years and after his death in 1998, he did receive some of the attention he is due. For example, his legacy is honored at an annual dinner sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. …
Links: A Potpourri of News
- Gov. Newsom signs a law requiring a “climate change curriculum” in public schools. Connecticut and New Jersey did so earlier.
- On the other hand, Newsom vetoed several waste-related bills because they would be burdensome, especially to small business. (A move to the center?)
- How to capture carbon and federal dollars at the same time.
- Kansas delays retirement of a coal plant to make sure an EV battery factory can be built . . . but the coal industry is expected to lose nearly 1 million jobs by 2050.
- And more. . . Click +
A Dept. of Agriculture Office on Food Waste?
The massive farm bill that’s on its way has a new wrinkle: an office to curtail food waste. What will it do? Jacob Wallace of Waste Dive reports: “The proposed office would administer a grant program for local jurisdictions to facilitate data collection on existing food loss and waste policies. The grant program would be…
Biden Revokes Alaska Leases, Plans More Bans in National Petroleum Reserve
The Institute for Energy Research explains how detrimental the president’s recent actions are. “President Biden’s Interior Department has revoked seven remaining oil and natural gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that were sold during the Trump administration and unveiled a proposal to ban new leasing and development on 10.6 million acres of the 23-million-acre National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska….
An Interview I’m Glad I Didn’t Miss
I don’t usually recommend videos about the environment, especially hour-long ones. But this was worth my time and perhaps yours: an interview with Steven Koonin, author of Unsettled. The location is Uncommon Knowledge, a Hoover Institution program on Youtube. Peter Robinson is the interviewer. Koonin’s book, published in 2021, has attracted great interest because he…
Two British Lords Politely Debate Climate Change
A polite British debate took place recently by email between two members of the House of Lords who disagree about the dangers of climate change. Indeed, they disagree about the IPCC report which both claim to rely on! Roger Pielke, Jr. publishes the correspondence of The Rt. Hon. Lord (Peter) Lilley and the Rt. Hon….