Headlines: The National Audubon Society cancels John James Audubon. On the Audubon site . . . ‘Climate change could increase rice yields,’ say Japanese scientists writing in the Agronomy Journal. From the AAAS’s Eurekalert . . . Apple’s recycling policies offer both “a breath of fresh air and major obstacles” for electronics recyclers. Stewart McGrenary…
Search Results for: water
How Fossil Fuels Protect Wild Lands . . . Deaths from Hurricanes Have Declined . . .
HEADLINES: Fossil‐fuel technologies have saved at least 20 percent of global land area from agricultural conversion, Indur Goklany writes in Conservation Biology. Agricultural productivity is necessary to avoid turning wildlife habitat into farmland, and fertilizer and synthetic pesticides are needed to sustain productivity . . . Michael Shellenberger: ‘Why Deaths From Hurricanes And Other Natural…
‘Natural Gas Bans Will Worsen California’s Poverty Problem’
California already has more people under the poverty line than any other state, says Robert Bryce in RealClearEnergy. And bans on natural gas will make life harder for the poor.
About the Liberty and Ecology Blog
This blog is about protecting the environment using the tools of economics. Your blog manager is Jane Shaw Stroup, a former senior fellow of the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC). While the Liberty and Ecology blog is eclectic in the environmental topics it covers, its approach reflects the movement known as free market environmentalism. In…
Cap-and-Trade: Like Medieval Indulgences?
One of the proposed techniques for reducing carbon dioxide emissions is cap-and-trade. Companies would be allowed to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide. If they reduced their emissions further than that, they could sell the excess “right to emit” to companies that found it very costly to do so. Cap-and-trade is a form of…
Nuclear power, climate change, extreme weather . . .
The secret to clean energy is nuclear power, says Rich Trzupek in The Pipeline. ‘Washington Post lies about climate change, floods,’ writes Sterling Burnett. ‘IPCC and skeptics agree climate change is not causing extreme weather.’ says Sterling Burnett. HT-Benny Peiser.