Most steel production requires fossil fuel, but Mercedes-Benz is promising to use “green” steel in its autos by 2025 according to Environment + Energy Leader. That means it will use steel made with renewable energy sources such as hydrogen, wind, or biomass.
Writes Harlin Asad:
“While many automakers have announced electric vehicle goals to address climate change, the industry still faces emissions issues from its supply chain. Steelmaking accounts for 7% to 9% of direct emissions from fossil fuels. According to Mercedes-Benz, a sedan is made from about 50% steel, which accounts for about 30% of carbon emissions in production. As manufacturers around the world aim to decarbonize their supply chains, demand for green steel is expected to increase significantly.”
So far, there is no completely “green steel” source, but, according to E+E, startup company “H2GreenSteel” is planning a large new no-fossil-fuel steel plant in Sweden. We shall see.