Headlines: The National Audubon Society cancels John James Audubon. On the Audubon site . . . ‘Climate change could increase rice yields,’ say Japanese scientists writing in the Agronomy Journal. From the AAAS’s Eurekalert . . . Apple’s recycling policies offer both “a breath of fresh air and major obstacles” for electronics recyclers. Stewart McGrenary…
Search Results for: regulation
Democrats Discover Nuclear . . . The Real Meaning of ‘Habitat’ . . . How Bluebirds Were Saved . . . A Private Jet for Harrison Ford?
News today: The Democrats have discovered nuclear energy, says Robert Bryce on ClimateChangeWatch . . . It’s all in a word—habitat! Shawn Regan of PERC explains the benefits of a Trump deregulation . . . R. J. Smith explains how private efforts rescued bluebirds in the United States. Angela Logomasini interviews R. J. for the…
Bans on Plastic Bags are Back . . . Ross McKitrick on What ‘the Science’ Means . . . A New Way to Get Rid of Cars . . .
Headlines: New York State is re-instating its ban on plastic bags. Covid-19 dangers made them safer than reusable bags. So has Covid-19 disappeared? (See the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle) . . . Ross McKitrick: Believing the science of climate change doesn’t justify drastic control policies to deal with it. On Cornwall Alliance . . . …
Opponents of Trump’s Methane Decisions Are All Wet, Says Ben Zycher
President Trump is rescinding the Obama-era rules requiring the oil and gas industry to tighten up its controls on leakage of the greenhouse gas methane. Trump’s proposed action outraged some people, such as Catherine Rampell, columnist for the Washington Post. But the uproar is ridiculous, writes Ben Zycher in National Review: “Neither the Obama rule…
And Why Does Electricity Cost 46% More in California?
Not only do Californians pay 46 percent more for electricity than the national average, but gasoline in California cost 37 percent more until the pandemic and then it rose to 55 percent above the national average. Tim Benson of the Heartland Institute explains why and what Californians can do about it.
About the Liberty and Ecology Blog
This blog is about protecting the environment using the tools of economics. Your blog manager is Jane Shaw Stroup, a former senior fellow of the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC). While the Liberty and Ecology blog is eclectic in the environmental topics it covers, its approach reflects the movement known as free market environmentalism. In…