The Utah state legislature has passed a law that would bring a bit of free market environmentalism to the state by expanding the right to trade water to protect the Great Salt Lake. Writes Saige Miller for the Salt Lake Tribune: “If the governor signs HB33, the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands…
Tag: free market environmentalism
A Eulogy to Richard Stroup, Free Market Environmentalist
John Baden, long-time friend and colleague of Richard L. Stroup, wrote a eulogy to Rick, who died November 18. (For more about John, look here.) “Rick was one of the first professors I met at Montana State University. Generous with his time and counsel, he greatly influenced my career. And it was a treat to…
The Surprising Spread of Free Market Environmentalism
This is the second post by Shawn Regan of PERC, the Property and Environment Research Center, on “what free market environmentalists support.” Those who support the role of property rights and markets in environmental protection may not realize how many organizations agree with them. Here are a few examples (for others see Part I of…