In a hearing June 8, Republicans challenged Tracy Stone-Manning’s nomination as head of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The Interior Department bureau is in charge of cattle grazing, energy development, and logging on about 245 million acres of publicly owned, mostly western land. Manning-Stone is a long-time environmentalist who is a senior advisor on…
Search Results for: federal management
Federal Court Rules on Grizzly Bear
A federal court in San Francisco has rejected the Trump administration’s 2017 decision to delist the grizzly bear as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Free market environmentalists had argued that the grizzlies in three states around Yellowstone National Park had made a substantial recovery, and control should be returned to the states.
American Prairie Reserve: Free Market Environmentalism or “Political Land”?
It’s a spectacularly romantic idea—returning a large swathe of western grazing land to prairie land, with bison, elk, cougars, prairie dogs, grouse, and other wildlife. That’s the goal of the American Prairie Reserve, whose owners hope to create open prairie and wildlife range extending over 3.2 million acres in northeastern Montana. “We want to restore…
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Endangered Species Parks Wildlife Property Rights Environmental Management Climate Change Global Warming Federal Management Habitat Hunting Pollution Water Regulation Energy
Are Conservation Leases the Key to Resolving Competing Demands on Public Lands?
This guest post by Shawn Regan is a substantive analysis of the recent proposal by the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management to allow leasing of public land for conservation purposes. Regan is vice president of research at the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) in Bozeman, Mont.
Most conservation issues involve balancing competing uses of natural resources. Should a parcel of land be developed for energy production, harvested for timber, grazed by livestock, managed as wildlife habitat, or set aside as open space? In a world of scarce resources, the main question is: How do people best resolve these competing demands?
Biden Hypocrisy Overflows, Harming Lobster Fishers and Right Whales
Hypocrisy abounds in the White House when it comes to ocean wildlife along the East Coast of the U.S. On December 1, President Joe Biden hosted a state dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron, at which more than 200 Maine lobsters were served. As noted by The Guardian, just days earlier the retailer Whole Foods…