Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. ( is a senior fellow at The Heartland Institute, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research center headquartered in Arlington Heights, Illinois. I’ve been thinking about electric vehicles a lot lately. My wife and I take pleasure trips every year—sometimes three- or four-day getaways, sometimes week-long vacations, sometimes longer journeys. Many of these trips are…
Search Results for: parks
Environmentalists Deny the True Causes of Wildfires
Better forest management, including prescribed burns and strategic logging, are essential to preventing western wildfires, says Ryan Zinke, former Interior Department secretary and former Montana congressman. “Radical environmentalists would have you believe forest management means clear cutting forests and national parks. But their rhetoric could not be further from the truth. They make outdated and…
Recycling Is in a Tumult as 2020 Ends
Covid-19 is adding to the turmoil in recycling, especially curbside recycling. Curbside recycling was already struggling because of China’s 2017 prohibitions and restrictions on recycled material. Covid-19 has further reduced the ability of towns and cities to pay the costs of recycling. School closures and online classes have dried up both sources and markets for…
How to Fund Conservation and Habitat Protection
Outdoor enthusiasts can fund wildlife conservation, say Tate Watkins and Jack Smith in their report “A Better Way to Fund Conservation and Recreation,” published by PERC, the Property and Environment Research Center. Already, taxes and fees on hunting and fishing provide nearly three times the funding for parks and public lands provided by the famed Land…
Why Hunting Dollars Still Matter
Liberty and Ecology has posted a number of articles discussing hunting as a means of conserving wildlife. Every article acknowledges the vital role the hunting community has historically played in wildlife conservation both in the United States and internationally. Among these articles is a three-part series by Wallace Kaufman. He argues that hunting is no…
About the Liberty and Ecology Blog
This blog is about protecting the environment using the tools of economics. Your blog manager is Jane Shaw Stroup, a former senior fellow of the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC). While the Liberty and Ecology blog is eclectic in the environmental topics it covers, its approach reflects the movement known as free market environmentalism. In…