Tag: Pollution
Why Such a Summer of Turmoil in the Netherlands?
“A standoff between Dutch farmers and their government is causing havoc in the Netherlands this summer. Protesters have withheld deliveries from grocery stores, smeared manure outside the home of the agriculture minister, and blocked highways with hay bales and tires,” writes Ciara Nugent for Time magazine. Farmers in the Netherlands have a good reason to…
I’m Fed Up with “Clean” Energy
From a news release: “On June 9, 2021, Governor [Cooper] issued Executive Order No. 218 highlighting North Carolina’s commitment to offshore wind power as the state transitions to a clean energy economy.” “. . . a clean energy economy”? This is a misnomer. Does anybody remember what dirty energy was? Sooty, full of particulates and sulfur dioxide—it…
The Grim Debate over Deaths from Air Pollution
Some very smart people are trying to figure out whether, where, and to what extent air pollution is a killer. Most recently, Tyler Cowen wrote in Marginal Revolution about a new study claiming that 10.2 million people die from pollution by fine particulates (particles 2.5 microns or lower) each year. Sixty-two percent of those premature…
Electric Vehicles Get a Boost in Columbus, Ohio
Here’s what it cost: $40 million from a U. S. Department of Transportation grant $10 million from a grant from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Here’s what it did: Raised the number of electric vehicles in Columbus to 1.8 percent from 0.4 percent That’s 3,323 automobiles
The Return of the Plastic Bag . . . Planet of the Humans . . . Fossil Fuels ‘Redefined’
John Stossel on how Covid-19 is “unbanning” the plastic bag. ‘We disagree with you, so shut up.’ David Kreutzer on the Left’s reaction to Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans. European officials are trying to redefine fossil fuels so they don’t have to divest oil and gas. HT Benny Peiser.