- Will offshore wind energy overwhelm the electric grid? Here’s why it might.
- Adviser to multi-million-dollar climate change group is an official of the Chinese Communist Party.
- Iowa legislature is considering strict limits on solar facilities (such as requiring a 1250-foot setback from a residence or livestock facility).
- ‘The Environmentalist Assault on Civilization.”
- Is nuclear power about to make a comeback? Here’s why it might not.
- Are lawsuits against oil companies for “greenwashing” just efforts to suppress free speech? Yes.
- Al Gore gave us “pork and propaganda.”
Tag: solar
The Latest Green Energy Flaws and Failures
In the news: Big British solar company goes bankrupt. Owns 53 solar farms; borrowed £655 million over the past four years.—ZeroHedge on Oil Price. [Britain is not a very sunny place.] “Skyrocketing fossil fuel energy prices are driving the deforestation of Europe as citizens try to keep warm.” —Pierre L. Gosselin on NoTricksZone. Biden won’t…
The Human Rights Issue Facing the Solar Industry
Three writers from the Breakthrough Institute plead for the solar industry to stop relying on solar panels made by oppressed Uyghurs in Xinjiang, China. Seaver Wang and Juzel Lloyd and Guido Núñez-Mujica write: “[E]xtensive evidence of government-organized forced labor programs and numerous other crimes against humanity in the XUAR [Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region] has come to…
Growing Backlash against Solar and Wind Limits Renewables Expansion
From Robert Bryce in RealClearEnergy: “The hype about wind and solar energy keeps colliding with the hard reality of land-use conflicts. Nowhere is that more obvious than in Ohio, where 41 townships have rejected or restricted the expansion of wind and/or solar projects since last November. In addition, at least eight Ohio counties have implemented…
Wind and Solar Won Big, Says Robert Bryce. Here’s How Big.
“Big Wind and Big Solar won’t have to stop feeding at the federal trough for decades to come,” writes Robert Bryce in Forbes. In the gigantic bill just signed by the president: “[T]he tax credits for solar and wind are the most expensive energy-related provisions in the tax code. Between 2021 and 2031, the tax…
Big Wind and Solar Companies Using ‘Hardball Legal Tactics’
Should rural communities be able to limit the number of wind and solar projects in their regions? Or do the renewable companies have a legal right to put turbines and solar panels on any property they can buy? Complicating the issue is the fact that many renewable projects would not be built without billions of…