Monarch butterflies hit a record low in California this winter, reports Business Insider, citing an annual count by the Xerces Society. The western Monarchs migrate as much as 3000 miles a year, arriving in California from the Pacific Northwest, usually staying in the state until March and then moving to other parts of the country….
Search Results for: habitat
What Do Free Market Environmentalists Support?
This is a guest post by Shawn Regan, vice president of research at the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) in Bozeman, Montana. He is also the executive editor of PERC Reports. By Shawn Regan Free market environmentalism used to involve academic study showing ways that private property rights can protect the environment, often when the government…
Why Hunting Dollars Still Matter
Liberty and Ecology has posted a number of articles discussing hunting as a means of conserving wildlife. Every article acknowledges the vital role the hunting community has historically played in wildlife conservation both in the United States and internationally. Among these articles is a three-part series by Wallace Kaufman. He argues that hunting is no…
The Challenge of Private “Seasteading”
By Greg Rehmke. This is a guest post by Greg Rehmke, program director of Economic Thinking, an organization that fosters better understanding of economic principles. Natural coral and oyster reefs around the world are considered “rainforests of the oceans,” home to rich and diverse ecosystems. Shipwrecks, offshore oil platforms, and artificial reefs teem with species…
NPR Attacks David Legates. Heartland Issues Point-by-Point Rebuttal
Whatever one’s views about climate change, nothing can justify National Public Radio’s recent brutal and uninformed attack on David Legates, a professor at the University of Delaware and former Delaware state climatologist. Legates has just been appointed to a high position at NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and that was enough to bring…
How Fossil Fuels Protect Wild Lands . . . Deaths from Hurricanes Have Declined . . .
HEADLINES: Fossil‐fuel technologies have saved at least 20 percent of global land area from agricultural conversion, Indur Goklany writes in Conservation Biology. Agricultural productivity is necessary to avoid turning wildlife habitat into farmland, and fertilizer and synthetic pesticides are needed to sustain productivity . . . Michael Shellenberger: ‘Why Deaths From Hurricanes And Other Natural…