Americans for Prosperity, a conservative advocacy group, has compiled a list of Biden administration policies that are pushing up prices of energy. A sampling of the 25 actions: #1 and 2: Adopting new EPA oil and gas rules Last month, the Environmental Protection Agency announced new regulations governing methane emissions from oil and gas production, transmission, storage,…
Search Results for: regulation
The Wild Swings of Joe Biden’s Energy Policies Put America Last, and Sink His Poll Numbers, Too
President Joe Biden’s climate and energy policies are one critical factor in his sinking poll numbers and in the dwindling chances that the Democrats will keep either house of Congress in the mid-term elections. Biden’s and the Democrats’ fortunes are falling almost as fast as the average American’s energy, food, and fuel prices are rising….
No, Climate Change Does Not Threaten Banks
A new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York disputes the growing claim that climate poses risks to the financial system. “We find that weather disasters over the last quarter century had insignificant or small effects on U.S. banks’ performance,” it says. From John Cochrane, the “Grumpy Economist”: “This is a courageous paper…
The Growing Debate over Nuclear Power
As troubles mount with wind and solar power, nuclear power is coming to the fore. But is it a better choice than “renewables”? Here are two viewpoints: Writing in RealClearScience, Ross Pomeroy argues that even though nuclear power is expensive, it could be a better alternative: “What’s holding back nuclear power in the U.S. and…
The Proper Role for Nuclear Power? Not a Big One, Says Energy Expert
A role for nuclear power in reducing carbon dioxide emissions is beginning to gain traction. The New York Times recently recommended it, and high-profile environmentalist Michael Shellenberger is an advocate. We asked Robert L. Bradley Jr. where nuclear power should fit in the future energy mix. Bradley is a widely respected energy analyst, founder of…
Is This Nobel Prize-Winner’s Book on Climate Worth Reading?
Joakim Book of reviews William Nordhaus’s new book on green economics. Nordhaus won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2018, primarily for his work on climate change. Book writes: “This year, Professor Nordhaus came out with an ambitious, all-encompassing yet somewhat confused book: The Spirit of Green: The Economics of Collisions and Contagions in…