The 2020 Environmental Performance Index shows a close relationship between environmental success and a country’s GDP. This annual index, developed jointly by the Yale Center for Environmental Policy and Law and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network at Columbia University, ranks 180 countries. Writing on, Ethan Yang finds that wealth and environmental…
Search Results for: water
‘Wild Horse Annie’ Rides Again
Once again, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is faced with opposition to its way of dealing with wild horses on public rangeland. For many decades, wild horses and burros have proliferated on public lands—descendants of escaped horses going back as far as the years of Spanish exploration, plus horses lost or abandoned by settlers…
The White Supremacy of Birds?
The Washington Post has collected an amazing number of reasons to stop being a birder—all reflecting the fact that many birds are named after people deemed to be racists. “The Bachman’s sparrow, Wallace’s fruit dove and other winged creatures bear the names of men who fought for the Southern cause, stole skulls from Indian graves…
Biden’s Land Management Appointee Gets a Grilling from Republican Senators
In a hearing June 8, Republicans challenged Tracy Stone-Manning’s nomination as head of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The Interior Department bureau is in charge of cattle grazing, energy development, and logging on about 245 million acres of publicly owned, mostly western land. Manning-Stone is a long-time environmentalist who is a senior advisor on…
Supreme Court Nixes Sierra Club FOIA Request, Protects ‘Deliberative Process’
Although most non-classified documents are available to the public, there are exceptions. The Supreme Court told the Sierra Club on March 3 that it could not have access to draft documents prepared in 2013 by staff members of the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service. Amy Coney Barrett wrote the 7-2…
Your Electric Vehicle May Not Be as Eco-Friendly as You Think
Your electric car is using electricity produced elsewhere, often by coal-powered plants, write New York Times reporters Hiroko Tabuchi and Brad Plumer. Thus it could be producing more carbon dioxide emissions than you think. To the writers, who espouse reducing carbon emissions, this is a potential weakness of electric cars. “’Coal tends to be the critical factor,”’said…